Monday 18 May 2020

My Routine with a 9 month old during lockdown

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I thought I would share my new routine as a Mum during lockdown (If you have not been following my journey on here or Instagram then I became a Mum to Winston in August 2019) and some insight into the Aptamil Follow On Milk with Pronutra™️-ADVANCE I have been using.
Before I became 'Mum' or 'Mummy' I really didn't have many decisions to make other than to choose what colour I should paint my nails this week (FYI it was usually a different shade of nude). I am nearly ten months into my motherhood journey and to say it’s been tough would be an understatement but it has already been an incredible journey. I am amazed by the female body and the power all parents have, it is the best thing I have ever done.

After having a baby, everything I am met with comes with a huge number of options and even more decisions. I am so glad for all the mum support networks out there, I have my NCT group and all the local online groups. Without them I am not sure how I would cope during these crazy and uncertain times.

I wanted to share my advice so hopefully if you have even just one of the many questions I had; maybe this post will help.
A typical day in the life of me right now is, (this is not exact but a rough guide):

6:30am: Winston wakes up in his cot. We then have some cartoons, usually Little Baby Bum on Netflix and quiet play in bed whilst we fully wake up. My husband is currently home so he gets to see Winston awake which is one of the positives of the current situation. I then change out of my pyjamas into leggings or day pyjamas.

7:30am / 8am: Winston will have a feed and usually stays in his PJ’s, ready for breakfast - currently we have a mix of apple pancakes, porridge or toast.

9am: Feed and nap time - I then tidy up from the morning. There is usually a bunch of toys and one or two nappies strewn about the place.

11am: Wake up and get changed, have a feed and get ready for our virtual sensory class. We used to do swimming (which we do in a paddling pool) and a messy play class which we can’t do.

11:30am: Virtual sensory class in the lounge - this week was Magic week. 
12:30pm: It is lunch time for Winston and I have my lovely husband home who does lunch time and makes something for me. 
Some favourites for the babe are: puff pastry pinwheels, spaghetti bolognese and kiwi. He will also have water or Aptamil Follow On Milk with Pronutra - ADVANCE from a beaker. Lunch currently consists of purees and some strips of fruit and veg but that is for another post.

1:30pm: gets a top up of milk, Aptamil Follow On Milk with Pronutra  ADVANCE   for nap time - currently persevering with getting him asleep in his cot for this nap.

2:15pm: Play time, or we will pop out for a walk. Key toys currently are a wooden spoon and metal pan to hit it on, bubble machine and Thomas the Tank Engine book.

3:30 / 4:00: Breastmilk time

5pm: Feed Winston dinner, again with water or Aptamil Follow On Milk with Pronutra - ADVANCE from a beaker.

6pm Bath time (every other day)

6.15pm: Get Winston dressed for bed usually in a short sleeve baby grow and a sleep-suit and a sleeping bag, currently 1 tog.

6.30: Book and FINAL feed time!

6:45-7pm Bed time along with his favourite rhyme 'Hush little baby'.

And that my Mummy friends is my typical day at the moment! I am sure you are interested to hear more about how I do my feeds. I am currently combination feeding and above is just a rough guide. I feed Winston on demand but I think its typically every three hours for a core feed.
The follow on milk I decided to use when Winston turned 6 months was Aptamil Follow On Milk with Pronutra - ADVANCE. To be honest, no other brand crossed my mind. Most of my NCT class use Aptamil Follow On Milk and I have always heard it being recommended even before I got pregnant. All my decisions have been on recommendations and when I am stuck, the Mum community is my key resource.

The brand behind Aptamil Follow On Milk with Pronutra - ADVANCE is known for their scientific research into breastmilk. They have around 500 scientists that continue researching into this area of nutrition, which resonates with the brand packaging and as a Marketer I feel safe in the knowledge that they are experts in their field and want to promote the science behind this. I think this is one of the many reasons why I trust the brand so much; 
Talking more about the fantastic 'mum community' and needing someone to go to for advice; Aptamil Follow On Milk have a 24/7 care line in the UK which, being honest, I never knew about until I recently spoke to the brand. This service is so fantastic during times like these where parents are more isolated and may not have access to their usual support network. You can get advice on anything from how to prepare a bottle, tips on feeding, to just having a chat because Mum life can be very overwhelming at the best of times!

Sometimes, I just want to have a quick chat with someone who is knowledgeable on topics such as 'is Winston feeding enough?', advice when starting solids, his weight - and the list goes on and on so knowing about this resource is such a valuable tool.

Aptamil Follow On Milk with Pronutra - ADVANCE Stage 2 is for babies over six months the formula contains:
• Vitamins A, C & D - Vitamin D supports the normal function of the immune system
• Iron which supports normal cognitive development
• Omega-3 LCPs (DHA) to support normal visual development (benefit obtained from a daily intake of 100mg DHA).
• A blend of Galacto- and Fructo-oligosaccharides.
One thing which I have found to be important after Winston turned six months was making sure he was getting enough Iron in his diet. His and all other babies iron stores from being a newborn are depleted at six months so it’s important he is getting iron from his meals and with Aptamil Follow On Milk with Pronutra - ADVANCE having that included was just a bonus.

At 6 months I introduced Winston to the 360 beaker which he uses to drink water or Aptamil Follow on Milk with his food. Preparation is so easy! Follow the back of the packaging if you are in any doubt but you can also find some tips here.

1. Watch out for hot spots, avoid using a microwave to heat
2. Do not add extra scoops or anything else to the feed
3. Discard unfinished feed straight away but always within 2 hours
4. Never leave your baby alone during feeding. 

Aptamil Follow on Milk with Pronutra™ADVANCE is available in powder format (800g pack) or the ready-to drink bottles (4 x 200ml & in 1 litre), which are easy to pop in your handbag. It also now comes in brand new Ready to Mix Sachets so you do not need to count out the scoops of powder making it easy when your away from home. 
Like my friends recommended to me, I will confidently recommended Aptamil Follow On Milk to all my mummy friends out there.
Disclaimer from Aptamil Follow On Milk: Important Notice: Breastfeeding
is best for babies. Follow On Milk should only be used as part of a mixed
diet and not as a breastmilk substitute before 6 months. Use on the advice of your healthcare professional.



  1. Your day with that baby seems so full and full of love and caring. I know you are nourishing the baby so well with Aptamil.

  2. Sounds like you are doing an amazing job! Never heard of Aptamil, but sounds like a great product.

  3. You are doing awesome! I bet this is tricky. I'm with two teens, but they mostly entertain themselves. Though they eat a lot.

  4. I was just talking to my hubby the other day and saying that I can’t imagine having little ones in the house during all this. I have 2 self sufficient teens.

  5. I really enjoy checking out this pose. Thanks for sharing a breakdown of your routine.

  6. You are doing an amazing job and this is only the first time to hear about this milk and it sounds like a good one but still breastfeeding is still good for baby.

  7. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! Your day sounds very similar to mine right now. I am a mom of a 5 month old. I dont believe they have Aptamil Flow in my region but I enjoyed reading/learing about it from your post, which I also found was very easy to read.

  8. We have 5 year old twins and it has been an exercise in patience. Kids feel stress acutely and tend to take it personally.

  9. He is adorable! Having a baby can be fun and tiring, but it's very fulfilling. And they are such a joy. Great to know what your day looks like. Reminds me of the time when my son was a baby. :) -LYNNDEE

  10. Thank you for sharing your day. I am sure that your post will help a new mom not to feel so alone!

  11. He is such a cutie! It's amazing how busy a 9 month old can keep you.

  12. Well done for being so organised and sharing your routine. I have a baby too so this helps me know how others are getting on.

  13. Congrats! You both seem to be thriving, and considering the current state of affairs, that's a beautiful thing.

  14. 9 months is a tough age for little ones. I give you a lot of credit for being home during quarantine with a baby!

  15. I remember the baby days so fondly. At the time I was pretty exhausted because I was solo parenting, but the memories are all good.

  16. Yes 9 months really adventurous age for little ones, as they want to start more into surroundings and makes moms more careful, Looks like you are doing well during this quarantine.

  17. Your son is so cute! I still remember those days! I am sure that you are pretty busy during this quarantine.

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